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Viikon "jänis-joukkueeseen" Leedsistä valitiin Didier Domi (ei suostunut mitätöimään lainasopimustaan Leedsissä ja Villa-pelissä antoi lahjaksi rankkarin, josta J.P Angel rankaisi), kukaan ei päässyt tiikeri-joukkueeseen Leedsistä... 
2 - Didier Domi (Leeds United): Still at Leeds only because he refused to sign the papers that would terminate his loan spell early, he was unexpectedly selected by Eddie Gray but gave away the penalty from which Villa scored their first goal.
2 - Didier Domi (Leeds United): Still at Leeds only because he refused to sign the papers that would terminate his loan spell early, he was unexpectedly selected by Eddie Gray but gave away the penalty from which Villa scored their first goal.