Birmingham - Leeds, Ti 27.2.2007 klo 21.45 (vkisa)

Saattaa olla,että ei hävitäkään tätä peliä,sillä peruutusuhka leijuu matsin yllä huonokuntoisen kentän takia...

Mutta,jos pelataan,niin sniif jälleen :(

Birmingham 3
Leeds        0
BBC uutisoi matsista:

Birmingham may face pitch action  
Birmingham City could face a Football League charge if their game on Saturday against Leeds has to be postponed.
The Championship leaders relaid their pitch earlier this week but torrential rain in the Midlands means the surface may not be ready for the fixture.

"The pitch is currently undergoing an inspection," said a club statement.

Birmingham may face a charge of failing to fulfil a fixture and a disciplinary commission could hand out a fine or even impose a points deduction.

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